Emma Stone Just Turned 30
Welcome To
Just Turned 30: A Movie For Women
Emma Stone Just Turned 30
Welcome To
Just Turned 30: A Movie For Women

Welcome To
Just Turned 30: A Movie For Women
Welcome To
Just Turned 30: A Movie For Women
Is not yet a movie.
It exists only as a script.
The purpose of this website
is to put the script out there.
I am looking for someone
to take it to the next level.
Emma, are you interested?
Alice P. has always wanted a family.
Her twin sister Dorothy D. is a recovered party animal and now wants a family.
Both women
will do extraordinary things
to find a man and start a family.
It was not very long ago
that if a woman reached the age of 30,
her chances of getting married
and having children were very small.
This movie is intended to be a wake up call to women (and men) that have
Just Turned 30.
Do you have questions or comments about the script or this website?
Send me a message, and I will get back to you soon.
Just Turned 30: A Movie For Women
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